No such thing as boring

There is no such thing as a boring day in New York, even a day like mine now. Been lying in bed all day with my laptop and the tv running, watching the rain come down outside our window. Because even though it might not sound very exiting i can still feel the vibe from the city and there is no escaping the reality of where i am acctually doing nothing. Our plan was to walk around Central Park but when we woke up and saw the rain pouring down and heard the wind blowing we decided to postpone that for a better time – but we will do it, 6 miles of exploring.

And last night me and Lisette hit the Laundromat to get our wardrobe clean and even that felt like an adventure. So I brought my book – I heart New York (thank you Ed, Ann & David – loving it)  and sat on the chairs outside on York avenue listening to the sounds of the streets.

8 years today - we wont forget!



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